Shooting positions - prone part IV
This is the fourth in a series of articles on shooting positions. Basic prone position - for fast, dynamic and Long Range shooting. Other positions may be suitable for precise shooting at paper targets if the shooter can handle them perfectly - but they may not be suitable for our disciplines. The first article is here... and the second one is here. Third one is here.
This article and especially the video is taken from the Two Minutes To Target blog with permission of the author Darren Beyer. Gradually I will publish a translation and explanation in Czech language of other parts (there are 3 in total) because those videos are in English... Obviously there is no need to write something in English - those videos are pretty clear.
This third part shows how the hard shoulder and improper position behind the rifle affect the accuracy. So the video is here:
I must say that the video is beautifully done and clearly shows some principles and this time even the results. My own experience is the same... I'm actually teaching the same thing myself so I decided to use it with the permission because I am not able to make videos like that.
In the next and last article from this series I will add some informations about other than the prone positions.